Rafael Nadal withdrew from Wimbledon

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Source: terrikon.com
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Rafael Nadal has refused to continue playing at Wimbledon 2022. The 22-time Grand Slam winner announced this at a specially convened press conference.

On Wednesday, Nadal narrowly defeated Taylor Fritz in a lengthy quarter-final. During the match, he took a medical time-out and was close to finishing the fight ahead of schedule. After reaching the semi-finals, Nadal promised to make a decision to continue playing at Wimbledon on July 7.

A medical examination revealed that Nadal had a seven-millimeter tear in one of the abdominal muscles, but he had a training session, after which he did not communicate with his team.

In the semi-final, Nadal was scheduled to play Australian Nick Kyrgios, now a finalist in the tournament without a fight. Kyrgios has not played in a Grand Slam final before.

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