Van Bronckhorst: Rangers struggled and every mistake was punished

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Giovanni van Bronckhorst, Rangers manager, speaking to BT Sport about the game against Ajax: "We are very disappointed. We knew the Champions League would be a high level and I think it showed. You have to be 100% to be ready for the game."

"Everything is quicker: the pressure, the thinking on the ball, ball control, speed of passing. It's all from a really high level, and in the first half particularly we couldn't reach that level. We struggled and every mistake was punished."

"You don't want to give space away against Ajax. We gave less space away in the second half because we played a little bit more defensively. We should have stayed more in our zones in the first half. We didn't do that so well and, as I said, every mistake is punished."

"The performance wasn't good. The players are committed. They want to fight and work hard, but against an opponent like Ajax when you're not as organised as you should be it's going to be tough."

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