Jude Bellingham: Playing in Madrid is better than I ever imagined

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Midfielder Jude Bellingham gave an interview to Real Madrid's press service after being named the team's player of the month.

"My connection with the fans is very special, it's a pleasure to play for them. I enjoy the songs and chants, they give me a lot of energy and strength, that's probably why I started the way I did. I really appreciate it and I hope we can continue to make good memories together."

"It's a dream come true. Playing here is better than I ever imagined. I'm enjoying every moment, both in training and in the games, and I hope it stays that way."

"Sevilla clash will be a complicated game, they all are in some way. They have very good players, it's important that we play like we have since the start of the season and everything will be fine."

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