UPL: Kryskiv and Pusic named the best of the 19th round

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UPL announced the results of the fans' vote

The official UPL website announced the results of the fans' vote for the best player and coach of the 19th round.

In the polls the fans voted for representatives of Shakhtar - midfielder Dmytro Kryskiv and head coach Marino Pusic. The player received 49% of the votes on Instagram and 51% on Google Form, while the coach of the "miners" ended with 44% of the votes of fans on Instagram and 40% on Google Form.

We would like to add that Shakhtar beat Kryvbas 5:2 in the 19th round of UPL, and Dmytro Kryskiv scored the second goal of his team.

2023-24, Championship of Ukraine: Tournament table

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