Shevchenko: Ukraine team will be able to overcome anything

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Shevchenko commented on the success of the Ukrainian national team

President of the Ukrainian Football Association Andriy Shevchenko commented on the Ukrainian national team getting into Euro-2024 after the victory over Iceland (2:1).

"We understand that in such matches, when you make a mistake, it can be very expensive. Therefore, a certain nervousness was noticeable in the game with Iceland. But in the second half, when we started to control the ball well, the boys found their game.

Then there was a great goal by Tsygankov, whom we missed a lot in the first play-offs match against Bosnia and Herzegovina, because he gained good form. And Mudryk's second goal was very spectacular. I'm glad the he is starting to gain momentum. Now let's wait for the best from Mykhailo at the Euro.

I think that it is not possible to score in all matches, but it is necessary to play them with enthusiasm - especially such important games. And in the match against Iceland the boys showed it. We had one hundred percent faith in them and in the coaching staff.

Serhiy Rebrov did an incredible job, because he took over the team at a very difficult time. He completely changed it, the national team now has a surprisingly strong character. Even when we conceded - 0:1, it was clear that the team will not break, but will fight until the end. We've seen a lot of comebacks this season, and that's a good thing. We believed in our victory, believed in the team. We have very talented players who will be able to overcome anything," said Shevchenko.

We remind you that Euro-2024 will be held from June 14 to July 14 in ten German cities. Opponents of Ukraine in group E will be Belgium, Slovakia and Romania.

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