Source: Mudryk will move to Chelsea for €100m

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In a shock turn of events Shakhtar has decided to sell its midfielder Mykhaylo Mudryk to Chelsea instead of Arsenal. Italian journalist Fabricio Romano shared details of the future agreement:

- Mykhaylo Mudryk to Chelsea, here we go! Documents are being exchanged between Chelsea and Shakhtar. Deal will cost €100m package as Ukrainian club always wanted. Medical tests booked on Sunday then he will sign contract until 2030.

Mykhaylo Mudryk will be at Stamford Bridge on Sunday afternoon to follow Chelsea vs Crystal Palace game, after his medical tests. Pre-contracts have been signed, the official contract will be completed on Sunday.

Been told Graham Potter had a phone call with Mykhaylo Mudryk to explain Chelsea project few days ago. It was the first concrete step to tempt the player after the Chelsea/Shakhtar meeting in London last Wednesday — knowing that Mykhaylo priority was to join Arsenal.

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