Tuchel: Harry Kane has made a super start and will get even better

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Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel speaking to UEFA.com about the signing of Harry Kane:

- He's more than talented, he's absolutely world-class. He has talent, ability, aura, personality, modesty, and love and dedication to the game. We persuaded the captain of England to leave England and I think we can pat ourselves on the back for that for a while. He's a huge signing. Harry has made a super start and will get even better the longer he trains with us and once his family arrives too. When he feels at home here, we'll see his full potential.

He has a massive influence because you can't underestimate the fact that everybody has some influence. He is the first one on the training pitch and has a certain relaxed attitude. He has a certain personality, he loves training. And if you are such a great player, everything that you do has an impact. Everything that you do in the dressing room is observed: how you come across, how open you are, when you go out on to the pitch, how you train. With him everything is exemplary so it's just good to have him here.

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